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11 August, 2008

toasted! (Dare To Speak Public Speaking Program for Petronas Scholars 9/10 August 2008)


I'm just too lazy fer words. this post will be short+ pictures..

Just completed the Petronas Toastmasters Programme in Permata, Bangi which were conducted on 9th-10th august, which also necessitated me to sacrifice my weekend, nonetheless it worth my times thoroughly. The Facilitator, Sir Azmi Shahrin ws brilliant, I've learned a lot. we did lotsa public speaking ( dramatically, enthusiastically) and how to be presentable in front of people, so on n so forth. Its a way of preparing ourselves fer the interview session to be precise. and this morning, I drove alone to Permata and i somehow got lost.hahaha..smpai tersesat kt pintu pagar UPM.
thanx pacik guard kerane menolong!!

So, here's some picture yg sempat ditangkap b4 balik. Cam-whoring session with Affan, Anep, Niza.hihihi.

my fav!!

affan mcm nk menari cakpong je

aren't we adorable??

by Feena

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